Deron P. Johnson, Pharm.D

Deron P. Johnson, Pharm.D

Dr. Deron has been a Clinical Informatics Pharmacist since 2014 and in this role at the City of Hope since 2016. He was a founding member of the Clinical Pathways team for the City of Hope enterprise managing both the implementation for Medical Oncology in January 2017 and for Radiation Oncology in March 2019. He was also responsible for the integration of Pathways into the Electronic Health Record, staging, and clinical trials.

Deron has also worked on other high priority projects including the City of Hope’s Employer Strategy project (AccessHope), Quality Care initiatives to support QOPI, and the Value Realization project to show ROI for pathways using staging initiative data to evaluate evidence-based care delivery and timing of new therapy initiations.

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